Poke Bowl inspirowane Japonią
Krok 1
Slice the salmon in small, bite sized pieces and toss with the Kikkoman Poke Sauce. Leave to marinate while you prepare the rest.
Krok 2
Wash sushi rice in several changes of water, until the water is clear. Drain and cook covered in a medium pan according to the package instructions. Turn off the heat, fluff with a fork and season with sushi rice, gently folding it with a rubber spatula. Keep warm.
Krok 3
Meanwhile, halve the avocados and remove the pit. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and season with salt. Cut one avocado ~ 0.5 cm-large cubes. Mash the second one with a fork, together with wasabi paste, or blend in a mini blender until smooth for a nicer presentation.
Krok 4
Slice the scallions across thinly, white and green part. Tear nori in bite-sized pieces.
Krok 5
Divide sushi rice among 4 bowls. Divide equal amounts of all other prepared ingredients among bowls, on top of rice, clockwise: marinated salmon with sauce, avocado cubes, wakame salad, wasabi-avocado mash, nori and sliced scallions. Place sushi ginger in the middle. Drizzle with more Kikkoman poke sauce if desired and serve directly.
ID przepisu: 155
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