Poke Bowl inspirowane Japonią
Poke Bowl inspirowane Japonią

Poke Bowl inspirowane Japonią

Czas ogółem45 min
45 minCzas przygotowania


4 porcj(e/i)
400 g
fileta z łososia bez skórki (3 kawałki)
300 g
ryżu do sushi
40 ml
octu ryżowego do sushi
240 g
awokado (2 sztuki)
5 g
pasty wasabi
20 ml
świeżo wyciśniętego soku z cytryny
30 g
cebuli dymki (2 sztuki)
5 g
arkuszy nori (2 sztuki)
40 g
imbiru do sushi
120 g
sałatki z wodorostów wakame (ze sklepu)
Wartości odżywcze (na porcję)2326 kJ / 555 kcal
12 gTłuszcz
33 gBiałko
79 gWęglowodany


Krok 1

Slice the salmon in small, bite sized pieces and toss with the Kikkoman Poke Sauce. Leave to marinate while you prepare the rest.

Krok 2

Wash sushi rice in several changes of water, until the water is clear. Drain and cook covered in a medium pan according to the package instructions. Turn off the heat, fluff with a fork and season with sushi rice, gently folding it with a rubber spatula. Keep warm.

Krok 3

Meanwhile, halve the avocados and remove the pit. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and season with salt. Cut one avocado ~ 0.5 cm-large cubes. Mash the second one with a fork, together with wasabi paste, or blend in a mini blender until smooth for a nicer presentation.

Krok 4

Slice the scallions across thinly, white and green part. Tear nori in bite-sized pieces.

Krok 5

Divide sushi rice among 4 bowls. Divide equal amounts of all other prepared ingredients among bowls, on top of rice, clockwise: marinated salmon with sauce, avocado cubes, wakame salad, wasabi-avocado mash, nori and sliced scallions. Place sushi ginger in the middle. Drizzle with more Kikkoman poke sauce if desired and serve directly.

ID przepisu: 155

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Slice the salmon in small, bite sized pieces and toss with the Kikkoman Poke Sauce. Leave to marinate while you prepare the rest.

Wash sushi rice in several changes of water, until the water is clear. Drain and cook covered in a medium pan according to the package instructions. Turn off the heat, fluff with a fork and season with sushi rice, gently folding it with a rubber spatula. Keep warm.

Meanwhile, halve the avocados and remove the pit. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and season with salt. Cut one avocado ~ 0.5 cm-large cubes. Mash the second one with a fork, together with wasabi paste, or blend in a mini blender until smooth for a nicer presentation.

Slice the scallions across thinly, white and green part. Tear nori in bite-sized pieces.

Divide sushi rice among 4 bowls. Divide equal amounts of all other prepared ingredients among bowls, on top of rice, clockwise: marinated salmon with sauce, avocado cubes, wakame salad, wasabi-avocado mash, nori and sliced scallions. Place sushi ginger in the middle. Drizzle with more Kikkoman poke sauce if desired and serve directly.

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